Monday 3 September 2012

Malaysia Cup Fever

Mention the Malaysia Cup Fever and the younger generation will think of the LionsXII squad that participated in the Malaysia Super League. 

But mention Malaysia Cup Fever to the 'die-hard' Singapore's soccer fans, and immediately they think of the Malaysia Cup soccer matches at the old Kallang Stadium in early 1970’s to 1994. 

Yes, those days were the prime of Singapore's soccer craze and every match had the stadium filled to capacity.

During that time, tickets were sold on match day but my father always get it free as he was the staff in the Sport Singapore (formerly known as Singapore Sports Council). 

Those days, it was really shocking to see so many people all pushing one another to get in. I will always remember the sight of the pile of slippers, sandals and shoes near the entrance. Many supporters actually took off their footwear and climbed into the stadium via the pillars!! After that incident, the stadium authorities put up barbed wires around those pillars.

The most funny part is that the man we 'loved most' in any match was.. the Referee..!! The poor guy got booed every time he made a decision against Singapore and everyone loved to chant "Referee kayu.. Referee kayu..!!".

The other guy we loved to hate was the Linesman - "Linesman bodoh.. Linesman bodoh..!!" was our favorite chant. 


  1. Hello, I would like to know if there's any way to contact you? I would like to check if I can use the photos in this blogpost. Thank you so much.

  2. Missing the glory days. Football can unite Singaporeans
